Swiss Ball Classes

“Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control” – Joseph Pilates

07956 387063

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Pilates on the Swiss Ball

Pilates on the Swiss Ball is exclusively available at classes in our City of London venue. This versatile large ball adds challenge to some exercises and offers additional support where needed in others. Strengthen, streamline, stretch and return your body to balance with Pilates on the Ball.

Make the transition from Pilates mat to Reformer machines

Swiss Ball Pilates is the perfect ‘bridge’ from the mat work to the machines. Much of the Ball repertoire is based on the Reformer Machine exercises. The unstable, mobile nature of the ball challenges your deep muscles and provides all-over strengthening and body toning. Gentle and restorative at level 1, demanding and challenging at level 2, the Ball work literally adds a new dimension to any Pilates class.

Pilates Swiss Ball classes

Learn Swiss Ball Pilates with a qualified instructor

Find out more about Angela here

For further information about Pilates classes using the Swiss Ball, contact Angela: